Jerry Meyer has been working with solid acrylics (Plexiglas) since 1992. In 1997, he began combining the acrylics with kitchen appliances ("under-appreciated icons of our lives") and adding electric light. He then expanded upon his use of Plexiglas by incorporating other plastic materials as a source of translucent color, such as water guns, screwdriver handles, 45 vinyl records, plastic jewelry and plastic toys. In 2004 he began a series of illuminated wall boxes. For his third solo New York City exhibition at Denise Bibro Fine Arts in 2011, he created a large free-standing installation, MY GREAT-GRANDFATHER'S ATTEMPTS TO TURN SEXUAL ENERGY INTO ELECTRICITY TO POWER SMALL MACHINERY BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF SIGMUND FREUD AND NIKOLA TESLA.
In his youth Meyer studied painting and took art classes as a teenager at the Museum of Modern Art Annex School in New York City. He studied art history at Brown University. After attending Yale Medical School, he pursued portrait and landscape painting with Roger Van Damme and others. Since 1998, he has devoted himself full-time to his art work. Meyer's constructions, including commissioned pieces, are in numerous collections.
Jerry Meyer is represented exclusively by Denise Bibro Fine Art.
For more information contact:
Denise Bibro Fine Art, Inc.
529 West 20th St. 4W
New York, NY 10011
Ph: 212-647-7030
Fax: 212-647-7031
Selected Bibliography
Maureen Mullarkey, Winter Salon: 2010-2011. CITYARTS, January 12, 2011
Interview: Connecticut Style, WTNH, January 20, 2010 http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/ct_style/entertainment/jerry-meyer
John Baker, Ph.D., Constructing Recollections. Memory Boxes, Denise Bibro Fine Art, 2009http://www.denisebibrofineart.com/press/view/812